The support team stands by our customer from the first stages of any project. They are the technical specialists with good communication skills needed to understand customer requests, transform them into technical challenges and then facilitate implementation, while always being aware of the project overview.
Starting with the site survey (project specific field data and local infrastructure information) and continuing with the initial customer needs and requirements, the technical assessment lays the foundation for the entire project.


Our customers need our solutions to cover complex situations and to manage multiple widespread applications. Our software development teams are constantly trying to simplify user interactions and to make the user interface as intuitive as possible, but the switch from a classical to a computer controlled management system is a significant paradigm change.
Also, even with the plug-and-play implementation process that we are using with all our solutions, the technical implementation teams are sometimes insufficiently prepared for the challenges of such a project.
Whether it’s a small pilot project or a full-scale implementation, our support staff is ready to be deployed to our customer’s location. Technical training aims for a seamless implementation process, and the user training makes sure that the appointed staff really understand the system. This way, we are making sure that the customer’s stakeholders can fully benefit from all our specifically designed features.


From the very first stages of pilot project deployment, our support team monitors together with our customers the detailed functioning parameters of the system. Our monitoring procedures follow the project through its entire implementation process, but also as a service after the project is fully operational.
We aim to identify any undesired situation and have a solution or, if possible, solve the problem before the customer even notices. We are covering both system functioning and security issues, making sure that the everything is functioning perfectly.


This service refers to more complex technical support during system operation. To be more specific, we are prepared to deal with complex system issues that need software development, networking intervention or even new functionalities that were not taken into account in the initial stages of the project.
We stand by our customers and offer 24/7 remote support for any issue. Furthermore, we are using a support ticketing system to keep track of all situations and solutions, detailed for every system component.